Success Stories

SSGT Fasnacht and Family



SSGT Fasnacht and Family
Match Date
Apr 2010
Their Story

SSGT Fasnacht is a Combat Engineer residing at off-base housing while attending Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) for his rehabilitation. He was in Afghanistan conducting Route Clearance when his vehicle was struck by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) (his second time that day). He sustained injuries of broken ankles (both of them), two compression fractures to his spine, Pre and Post-Blast Amnesia, shrapnel laceration to upper lip and many more. SSGT Fasnacht is a two-time purple heart recipient.

Sapper is a 10-month old Cattle Dog Mix that came from the Washington Animal Rescue League (WARL) - he has been at WARL for quite some time now, but he now has a loving home as he is now part of the Fasnacht Family.

Before C4H – “Having dealt with my physical disability from the blast that the IED gave me, I also would find myself dealing with my TBI (traumatic brain injury) and PTSD which made me very depressed. My wife and little boy were being deeply affected by my not being in the right state of mind.”

After C4H (April 2010) – “Man, Sapper is AWESOME!!! He follows me wherever I go and he just loves our 3-year old son! I'm now finding myself smiling again and enjoying more time with my family where I didn't before I had him. He is truly a blessing to me in helping me get physically fit again by going on runs with me where I would NEVER think about wanting to run or thought I could ever again. He helps me motivate myself to do more!”

Sapper is perfect! He's so great with the family and he keeps me active by going on walks and runs during a short distance. He is helping me gain my strength in my mind and body from the blast I endured...God Bless you Companions For Heroes!

SSGT Fasnacht